Date: 15 March 2025 , 14:03
News ID: 11815
CEO of Mobarakeh Steel Group visiting Opal Parsian Sangan:

Mobarakeh Steel's serious investment in the concentrate field of the Sangan region

me-metals - Saeed Zarandi, CEO of Mobarakeh Steel Group, during a visit to the Opal Parsian Sangan Complex, pointed out the existence of two concentrate factories with a capacity of five million tons each in the Sangan region and announced Mobarakeh Steel's serious plan to invest in this area.

According to me-metals, Saeed Zarandi, CEO of Mobarakeh Steel Group, visited the Opal Parsian Sangan Complex Company during his trip to the Sangan region today.

During this visit, he described the future of the country's mining industry as the Sangan region and added: "Mobarakeh Steel Group is trying to develop this region and invest more in it. The Opal Kani Pars Mineral Processing Companies and Sangan Steel Mining Industries are Complexes that we are counting on to create a production capacity of 10 million tons."

The CEO of Mobarakeh Steel Group, considering the existence of two concentrate factories with a capacity of 5 million tons each in the Sangan region, called Mobarakeh Steel's plan to invest in this area serious and said: "These two mining complexes have the capacity to become a large mining complex so that they can cooperate with each other with greater synergy."

Zarandi, pointing out that Mobarakeh Steel will meet the needs of these complexes in the field of machinery, added: "Our strategy is to bring these two complexes closer together. The country's steel production chain, and subsequently the Mobarakeh Steel Group, faced energy restrictions this year, especially gas, and challenged production capacities. Of course, we have stored and have the necessary raw materials and pellets."

He noted: "In the field of supplying the electricity needed by the Mobarakeh Steel Group, if we achieve stability, we will definitely have more development plans. Ultimately, we will not hesitate to take any action that will flourish the industrial future of the Sangan region."

A license to operate a concentrate with a capacity of 3.1 million tons was received in Opal

Also, Hesam Moghaddamali, CEO of Opal Kani Pars Mineral Processing Company, referred to the measures taken in this meeting and announced the receipt of a concentrate exploitation license with a capacity of 3.1 million tons.

He spoke about the 72 percent physical progress of the 2.4 million ton concentrate plant project and predicted that 4.4 million tons of quality pellets will be produced at the Opal Parsian Sangan complex next year.

If the outflow of stone from Sangan is managed, the capacity to supply primary feed to Mobarakeh Steel will increase

Reza Talebi, CEO of Opal Parsian Sangan, also referred to the company's growing and developing path during this visit, and mentioned the concentrate deficit and energy imbalance (electricity and gas) as the most important challenges facing the company.

He also spoke about the damage these challenges have caused to the production process and called for better resource management and prevention of stone leaving the region.

Talebi emphasized: By removing these obstacles, the capacity to supply primary feedstock to Mobarakeh Steel will increase significantly.

It is worth noting that the CEO of Mobarakeh Steel Group's visit to Sangan is considered a milestone in Mobarakeh Steel's development plans in this region.