Date: 05 February 2018 ، the watch 21:49
News ID: 1897

Mining PPI Inflation at 11.2%

The Producer Price Index for the mining sector in the 12-month period ending Dec. 21, 2017, which marks the end of fall, increased by 11.2% compared with the same period of last year, the Statistical Center of Iran reported.
Mining PPI Inflation at 11.2%

The sector’s PPI for the 12 months to Sept. 22, marking the end of summer, increased by 6.3%, the report added. The overall PPI of mining sector (using 2011 as the base year) stood at 234.6 in fall, indicating a 5.7% increase compared with the previous quarter (summer) and an 18.8% increase over the same season of last year.