Date: 29 September 2017 ، the watch 15:11
News ID: 1366

POSCO Showcased the Excellence of Giga Steel at China International Auto Products Expo

POSCO participated in the ‘China International Auto Products Expo,’ which was held at the National Exhibition and Conference Center in Shanghai from September 21 through September 23, and promoted the excellence of its automotive steel plates to automakers and parts makers in China.
POSCO Showcased the Excellence of Giga Steel at China International Auto Products Expo

China International Auto Products Expo (CIAPE) is the largest automotive parts expo in China, which has been sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of China since 2008. At this expo in which as many as 100,000 people participated, over 2,000 companies around the world exhibited various automotive products, including electric vehicles, steel components, electronics, informatization and automotive parts and manufacturing facilities.

POSCO intensively promoted the lightweightness of parts made of Giga Steel, cost reduction and performance improvement, and steel products for luxury vehicles including Giga Steel and POSCO’s technical prowess to preempt the Giga Steel market in China.

The exhibition hall was divided into drive motor, exhaust system, car body and chassis zones so that customers can better familiarize themselves, while POSCO introduced practical application cases of excellent steel products such as wire rods for automobiles, electrical steel sheets and stainless steel as well as Giga Steel. In addition, POSCO provided visitors with an opportunity to utilize VR technology to deeply explore Giga Steel and experience the steel mill as a means to attract their attention.

A total of 1,583 people visited the POSCO booth over the 3-day period, and browsed the electrical sheets, wire rods and stainless products as well as automotive steel plates. In particular, as many as 1,020 people flocked to the Giga Steel Experience Zone where they could compare the hardness, weight and thickness of aluminum and Giga Steel, and they also gained insight about the excellence of Giga Steel.

POSCO held 71 meetings with 188 potential customers from various areas, including automakers and parts makers in China, promoted the excellence of Giga Steel and automotive World Premium (WP) steel products, and quickly responded to technical inquiries, thereby creating new business opportunities.

Lee Jeong-hae, CEO of Sungwoo Hitech Yancheng, who visited the POSCO booth, said, "I was able to learn that Giga Steel is more effective in reducing weight than aluminum. I am truly looking forward to seeing automakers begin to use Giga Steel instead of aluminum."

Furthermore, POSCO participated in this event for the first time this year upon the invitation of the host. POSCO is planning to leverage this expo as momentum for driving the sales of WP steel products in the Chinese market, and increase the sales of automotive materials in that country by reinforcing its networking with automakers and parts makers.

source: POSCO