Date: 24 October 2017 ، the watch 14:51
News ID: 1473

Alba concludes ‘Next Generation Leadership Programme’ for 2017

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), the Bahrain-based international aluminium smelter, continued to emphasise on developing its people, when it held the second module of Alba’s ‘Next Generation Leadership Programme’ on 18 and 19 October 2017 at Alba Club.
Alba concludes ‘Next Generation Leadership Programme’ for 2017

Organised for Alba’s Executives, Directors and Managers, this workshop was presented by Professor Lynn Isabella, Associate Professor of Business Administration, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, USA. Case studies on balancing learning and performance, characteristics of high-performing teams as well as linking the learning outcomes to the Line 5 Recovery Project were amongst the key subjects that were discussed during this workshop.

Commenting on this occasion, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray, said:

“We believe that continuous learning plays a key role in developing our people. Such workshops further the Company’s goal of preparing its next generation of leaders as well as sustaining a stronger future as the Company prepares for its transformation with Line 6 Expansion Project.”

source: Alba