scrap prices

Tags - scrap prices
Indian melting scrap prices fluctuated slightly in specified regions and price range move down by INR 200-300/MT on weekly basis in major scrap consuming regions i.e. western & southern India.
News ID: 5685    Publish Date : 2019/08/02

SteelMint learned from industry participants that Turkish imported scrap prices have moved down, as steelmakers took a short pause amid weak sales of rebar and billet in both domestic and export markets in Turkey.
News ID: 5144    Publish Date : 2019/07/13

This week global billet market remained silent amid Eid holidays. Even the post festivity is not expected to defeat the weak billet export market sentiments, amid weakening global scrap prices . Imported scrap prices in Turkey have inched down in absence of trades. SteelMint’s assessment for US origin HMS (80:20) is at USD 300/MT, CFR towards weekend.
News ID: 4800    Publish Date : 2019/06/11

SteelMint learned from industry participants that Turkey’s imported scrap market has observed limited bookings so far this week at almost stable prices. However, steel mills remain hesitant to buy aggressively amid high offers and weak finish steel demand.
News ID: 4098    Publish Date : 2019/03/21

SteelMint learned in recent conversations with industry participants that imported scrap offers to Bangladesh have moved down following softening sentiments in the global market.
News ID: 4029    Publish Date : 2019/03/15

India's imported scrap market has exhibited bearish market sentiments this week. Following decline in Turkey imported scrap prices , offers to India have also observed a downfall, however few market participants highlighted that sharp decline in offers is less expected in near term amid recent hike in freight rate of scrap cargoes.
News ID: 3960    Publish Date : 2019/03/11

SteelMint learned from industry participants that after a short silence, Turkey-based steel mill has booked a cargo as prices moved down as expected.
News ID: 3939    Publish Date : 2019/03/10

Imported scrap offers to India continued moving up following a rising trend in the global scrap market.
News ID: 3824    Publish Date : 2019/03/04

Sponge iron exporters from eastern India reported weak demand due to significant fall in imported scrap offers to the Bangladesh.
News ID: 3301    Publish Date : 2019/01/17

Ohio-based recycler PSC Metals posted a $1mn profit in the third quarter, flat with the prior year despite higher average selling prices and ferrous scrap shipments.
News ID: 2543    Publish Date : 2018/11/08