Tehran-based KSF is a family-run company in the Iranian plastics industry with more than 50 years of experience, Plastics News reported.
“Karan Sima Fam is an established and experienced partner in the Iranian plastics industry. The Yarijanian family looks back on a long tradition and has had contact with plastics processors in Iran for many years,” said Klaus Bange, director of sales for injection molding machinery in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region at KraussMaffei.
KSF Founder and Managing Director Hervik Yarijanian will also be responsible for looking after the customers of KraussMaffei, offering consultation for the design of machines and automation, commissioning and a number of individual services throughout the entire service life of the plants.
KSF is currently building a new service office as well as a spare part warehouse in the east of Tehran where much of the plastics industry is located.
KraussMaffei said it saw particular interest for the Iranian customers above all in the automotive industry, packaging and medical technology sectors. In Iran, said the company, automated injection molding machines are needed with low, medium, but also high clamping forces.