Date: 24 March 2020 ، the watch 20:38
News ID: 8854

IRGC Deputy Commander: Surge in Production Key to Resolve Economic Problems in Iran

Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Deputy Commander for Political Affairs Brigadier General Yadollah Javani stressed the importance of Leader’s motto of the new year, “surge in production”, describing it as a key to resolve the economic problems in Iran.
IRGC Deputy Commander: Surge in Production Key to Resolve Economic Problems in Iran

“Surge in production can resolve problems facing the country,” General Javani said on Tuesday.

Accelerating production and production activities for domestic consumption and even for export is the key for resolving economic problems in the country, he said, adding, “The current year’s motto is continuation of last year’s motto entitled boosting domestic production.”

All experts were of the opinion that production activities should be accelerated in the country in line with resolving its problems, General Javani said.

Imports of goods, which are produced in the country, should be prevented, he said, adding, “Goods smuggling should also be ceased in the country.”

Export of non-oil goods should also be increased in the country, General Javani said.

In relevant remarks on Monday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani had also described the naming of year 1399 as the year of 'Surge in Production' by the Supreme Leader as a good opportunity for the government, producers, private sector and everyone to make greater efforts for boosting production.

"The Supreme Leader of the Revolution wants more powerful and quicker move towards production and the way to do that is to make some infrastructural and quick work,” President Rouhani said.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei named the Iranian New Year as the year of “surge in production” to ask both the nation and the state officials to make industrious efforts to increase domestic products.

In a televised address to felicitate the nation on the advent of the New Persian Year last Friday, the leader said by domestic production economic problems will definitely come to an end and the sanctions imposed against Iran will prove to be to the country’s advantage.

source: Fars News