Date: 22 November 2019 ، the watch 13:35
News ID: 7507

Brazil renews anti-dumping duties on plate imports

The Brazilian economy ministry's chamber of foreign commerce Camex has extended its definitive anti-dumping duty (ADD) on imports of steel heavy plates from Ukraine, China, South Africa and South Korea for up to five years, starting on 1 October.
Brazil renews anti-dumping duties on plate imports

The highest duty of $211.56/t is being applied to China-origin heavy plates, while duties for South Africa and South Korea are at $166.63/t and $135.84/t, respectively. The tariff for material from Ukrainian steelmaker Metinvest and other mills is set the lowest at $52.02/t, well below the previous $261.79/t.

The ADD will apply to covered carbon steel plate with a thickness of 4.75mm or more and a width of 600mm or more, classified under Brazil's Mercosur Common Nomenclature codes 7208.51.00 and 7208.52.00.

Camex noted that the duty for South Africa is "extended with an immediate suspension", but will be returned to an active state as soon as imports of plates from the country increase to such an extent that they cause damage to Brazilian domestic production.

The previous anti-dumping duties on imports of heavy plate from South Africa, Australia, South Korea, China, Russia and Ukraine were implemented for five years in October 2013. It followed from an investigation in 2011–13 after a formal complaint by Brazilian steelmaker Usiminas.

By Valery Zavyazkin

source: Argus Media