Between the activities on the climate front and the lack of guidance from politicians, the industry itself seems split and leaves much room for uncertainty, which increasingly affects consumers - despite statistics for Germany's die-casting industry showing a very successful year:
Status Quo: Stable Position / Dynamic Investment (Source: Verband Deutscher Druckgiessereien e.V. in the Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie BDG e.V.)
Statistics with reference to the whole PR
Seen in this light, EUROGUSS 2020 is just the right time to set the right signals for the innovative and technology-friendly development of the foundry industry.
"You can feel some nervousness in the industry, but in January 2020, the largest EUROGUSS of all time will take place in four fully booked halls," said Christopher Boss, Head and International Product Manager of EUROGUSS during the EUROGUSS Press Conference in Salzburg / Austria.
The EUROGUSS as the discussion forum and platform on all current topics is exactly the right answer to the current uncertainties in the industry
One will be able to look forward to Nuremberg on a top-class program. In addition to the mechanical engineering services, all the leading die casting foundries in Europe, predominantly from Germany and Italy, will be present along with a considerable number of Turkish companies.
The Diecasting Day with interesting contributions is a must for many, new are the special shows research and surface technology and the pavilion "Additive Manufacturing" opened for the first time and the EUROGUSS Talent Award.
A total of 700 exhibitors from all over the die casting value chain will participate and present the latest in the world's largest industry show on three days from 14 to 16 January. Trade visitors to EUROGUSS are predominantly decision-makers and users from the automotive industry, mechanical and plant engineering, mold making, the electrical engineering industry, energy and medical technology, and die casting foundries.
The greater the challenges, the more important the exchange and the communication, as well as the approx. 30 international press representatives who took part in the EUROGUSS Press Tour in Austria. Visits to the KTM Motohall in Mattigkofen and a factory visit to BMW Motoren in Steyr were combined with expert discussions with the organizers of the trade fair and the BDG, VDMA and CEMAFON associations.
The Foundry-Planet Team is looking forward to meeting you again in person during the EUROGUSS 2020 in Nuremberg!