Dr Fenton Ferguson, the opposition spokesman on Water, Environment and Climate Change, said the opposition is in support of St Catherine North Central’s Member of Parliament Natalie Neita’s attempt for possible legal action against WINDALCO. He also wants the residents around the Rio Cobre river to receive proper and adequate compensation for the damages and inconvenience caused to them due to contamination of water caused by WINDALCO.
Ferguson is calling for Darul Vaz as well, who is responsible for Land, Environment, and Climate Change, to urgently address the frequent environment breaches by Windalco.
Ferguson asserted, "This has resulted at times in disastrous fish kills, loss of livelihood, illness relating to infected fish consumption and contamination of water for domestic usage.
The environment spokesman wants Vaz to "immediately instruct NEPA to map and establish a working list of our priority rivers and waterways, locate all businesses and companies along these areas for potential hazards, but more importantly, to direct the constant monitoring, testing and prevention of destructive discharge into our rivers and waterways."