Date: 17 July 2019 ، the watch 12:15
News ID: 5241

South Korea’s Hyundai Steel Allowed to Operate Blast Furnace Normally Until Judgement

South Korean based Hyundai Steel, in its Dangjin steel Mill can operate its blast furnace No 2 normally until the administrative authority comes out with probable alternatives to prevent fire or an explosion, as per Steel Daily.
South Korea’s Hyundai Steel Allowed to Operate Blast Furnace Normally Until Judgement

Thus shut down at Hyundai Steel, in its Dangjin steel Mill of blast furnance No 2 has been postponed since the final announcement from Central Administrative Advisory Committee is still awaited.

On 9th Jul’19, Central Administrative Advisory Committee scheduled a meeting at Sejoung govt. office where they have accepted the appeal of suspension of Hyundai Steel, in its Dangjin steel Mill of blast furnance No 2 which is currently operating at Chungcheongnam-do.

Post discussions, committee was not clear that in order to prevent the fire or explosion opening the bleeders of blast furnace was necessary or not or any commercialized technology can be used for the same.

On the other side, Chungnam Governor mentioned that while opening the bleeders of blast furnace emergency gas discharge facility is not working properly.

Thus absence of suitable alternatives led to delayed shutdown in Dangjin Mill Blast Furnace No 2.

Hyundai Steel's administration in response to Government’s order for suspension of blast furnace mentioned that opening of bleeder is an urgent measure to prevent the explosion or fire and there is no substitute technology is present for the same. Meanwhile they also informed that most of the gases emitted during the valve opening are non-toxic and it takes 4-6 months time to prepare for a blast furnace shutdown.

As a result,Central Administrative Advisory Committee filed an application of cancellation of suspension of blast furnace at Dangjin Mill Blast Furnace No 2.

Earlier on 05th Jun’19, SteelMint reported that South Korean steel giants POSCO and Hyundai Steel were facing crisis as the municipal administrations have ordered shut down of operation of blast furnace for 10 days as the mills are emitting air pollutants illegally and operating blast furnace without anti pollution equipment.

source: SteelMint