Date: 00 , 00:00
News ID: 495
Imam Khomeini Mosalla, Shabestan, Tehran, Iran / 1 - 3 October 2016

Minex 2016

5th Iran's Annual Mines and Mining Industries Exhibition & Conference on Investment Opportunities in the mentioned fields.
Minex 2016

MINEX is one of the largest events in Mines and Mining Industries in Middles East and Iran as well held in high regard by domestic and international Professionals. MINEX2016 held annually presents the latest technologies and equipment, services, machineries for Mines and Mining Industries in exploration, excavation, processing, production and export as well as introducing investment opportunities in Iran for Mining companies worldwide.

MINEX2016, the 5th Annual Iran’s Mines and Mining Industries Exhibition will take place on October 1-3 2016 in Tehran - Iran.


Who should exhibit?
Processing: Separation systems, Process control equipment, Floatation equipment
Professional Advisery Services: Recruitment services, Law firms, Management consultancies, Risk consultancies
Financial Institutions: Investment banks, Corporate finance, Security services, Exchanges
Exploration: Airborne surveys, Geophysical surveying, Exploration software, GIS services, Drilling, Blasting
Mine Production: Resource management software, Health & safety services, Health & construction, Engineering & construction, Communication systems, Mining contractors, Environmental control, Underground mining services, Open pit mining services
Heavy Equipment & Machinery: Crusher & grinding, Electrical mining vehicles & transportation, Power generation, Air compressors, Conveyors & feeding, Mineral handling equipment
Special Section for Precious & Semi-Precious Stones: Domestic equipment, tools processing and scraping machines of precious and semi-precious stones, Producers and distributers, Operation license of mines & suppliers of precious and semi-precious stones, Creditable institutes of gemology, designing and jewel making of precious and semi-precious stones, Precious and semi-precious stones’ publishers & content producers


The goals of the exhibition:

  • Providing the latest equipment, technologies, machineries and services of foreign and domestic in the field of mines and mining industries of Iran
  • Introduction of the investment opportunities in the mines and mining sector in Iran with the presence of foreign and domestic investors
  • Consulting with officials, professors, scientists and involved people related to mines and mineral industries of Iran in the form of meetings, correspondence and workshops
  • Introduction of the abilities of the private sector to the government organizations for transference of the projects capable of investing
  • Introduction of financial resources for the plans and projects
  • Recognition and introduction of the Iran’s mining abilities


The 4th Iran’s Annual Exhibition of Mines & Mining Industries alongside of the Investment Opportunities in Iran Mines & Mining Industries with the utmost participation of economic activists and producers of this field was held by Expo Pars Co. with the cooperation of Iranian Mining Engineering Organization and other institutions and organizations.
In the opening ceremony of the conference in addition to the political officials; managers, experts and activists of mining sectors were present.
The attendance of more than 30 officials of different embassies that were mostly the ambassadors and also business councils, foreign delegates and guests was another feature of this international event.
Mr. Hormoz Nasernia (the president of Iranian Mining Engineering Organization), Dr. Mehdi Karbasian (the chairman of IMIDRO), Dr. Mohammad Khazaei (Deputy Minister of Economy and the president of Organization for Investment Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran), Mr. Ali Yazdani (Deputy of Management Development, Resources and Provincial Affairs of the Ministry of Industry, Mine & Trade), Manager of FL Smidth’s Africa and Middle East section, Sam Dorkian (Vice president of Schmidt Kranz Holding) and Mr. Reza Ashraf Semnani (chief counselor of MIDHCO Holding) were the lecturers of this conference.
Throughout the conference, domestic and international workshop was held with the goal of providing the latest achievements in different sectors from exploration to reprocess, rare earthly elements, tunnels and underground spaces, equipment and mineral machineries which were highly noted by considering the headlines and the contents. In total, more than 450 people participated in these workshops.
In the MINEX exhibition 250 domestic and international companies attended from which some participated as a holding or as a group of several foreign companies. One of the important points in this exhibition was the strong participation of the active private sector in the field of mining. Also, the foreign companies were mostly from Germany, Australia, China, Japan, Poland, South Africa, Oman, Russia, Denmark, Turkey and Kazakhstan.

Contact Us

Address: Unit3,4th Floor, No.148, Beheshti St.,Tehran-Iran

Tel: (+9821)88548845-8  /  (+9821) 88539243-6

Fax: (+9821) 88548849



source: Minex 2016