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News ID: 448
Design Center Linz, Europapl. 1, 4020, Linz, Austria / 12-14 September 2016

ECIC 2016 (7th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress)

The Congress will provide a forum for best practice and state-of-the-art technology. It will also take a look at developments in the foreseeable future.
ECIC 2016 (7th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress)

About Event


The Congress will bring together a wide range of experts, coming from plant operation, plant suppliers and research institutes, who share expertise in:

  • Coke making
  • Iron ore production and handling
  • Sintering
  • Pelletising
  • Blast furnace iron making
  • Direct reduction
  • Smelting reduction
  • Environmental control in iron making
  • CO2 reduction and energy saving
  • Recycling of in-plant residues

Important Dates:

Abstract submission: 01 November 2015
Notification of Acceptance: 15 January 2016
Full Paper Submission: 31 May 2016
Registration Deadline: 31 August 2016

Conference Chairman:

Johannes Schenk
Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

Organizing Committee:

Bruno Hribernik, ASMET
Melanie Baumgartner, ASMET

Scientific Committee:

Böhm Christian Primetals Technologies GmbH Austria
Bol Luc Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V. Netherlands
Buergler Thomas voestalpine Stahl GmbH and K1-MET GmbH Austria
Dimastromatteo Vincenzo Arvedi Steel Technology Italy
Luengen Hans Bodo Steel Institute VDEh Germany
Masuth Markus ArcelorMittal Bottrop GmbH Germany
Noldin Jose Henrique LHOIST S.A. Belgium
Ofner Hanspeter Primetals Technologies GmbH Austria
Peters Michael ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG Germany
Schmöle Peter ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG Germany
Schuster Elmar voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH Austria
Siuka Dieter Primetals Technologies GmbH Austria
Vetoniemi Markku SSAB Europe Oy Finland


Keynote Speaker:

See All Speakers


Plant Visits

Tour 1 (Coke oven plant): Five batteries with total 200 ovens and a chamber volume of 21,5 m3 are in operation. This only one coke oven plant in Austria generates approx. 1,3 million metric tons of blast furnace coke from 1,8 million metric tons of coking coal each year. All batteries have been modernized and equipped with systems for a high level of environmental protection and automatization as well as state-of-the art coal unloading and preparation equipment.

Tour 2 (Sinter plant): One sinter strand with a suction area of 222 m2  and layer hight of 700 mm produces approx. 2,8 million metric tons of sinter per year. The plant is equipped with selective partial offgas recirculation system, a dry offgas cleaning system (MEROS) and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) DeNOx system and is the benchmark for high productivity sintering operation with maximum emission reduction.

Tour 3 (Blast furnace plant): Ironmaking in Linz is performed with 3 blast furnaces, each equipped with PCI and injection equipment for several other alternative reducing agents like plastics, oil, crude tar, NF and COG. Approx. 4,8 million metric tons of hot metal per year are produced with BF A (hearth diameter 12,0 m) and BF 5/6 (hearth diameter 8,0 m). The latest developments in charging technology, process automatization and measuring techniques lead to an outstanding blast furnace performance.


source: ECIC 2016