Date: 06 April 2019 ، the watch 18:40
News ID: 4196

India: OMC Targets 20 MnT Iron Ore Output by FY21

State-owned miner - Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC) is all set with iron ore production ramp up plans for coming years to make up for expected supply disruption after March 2020 following lease expiry.
India: OMC Targets 20 MnT Iron Ore Output by FY21

SteelMint in talk with a senior company official learned that OMC is planning to achieve 20 MnT iron ore output by FY21.

"In FY19, OMC's iron ore output stood at around 11 MnT and we expect an increase in production from Gandhamardhan and Barbil mines in coming years", he shared.

Citing another major development he highlighted that OMC has applied for enhancement of Environmental Clearance (EC) limits at its Daitari and Kurmitar mines and expect a positive outcome on the same by Oct'19.

EC limit at Daitari mines is proposed to be increased to 6 Mnt pa from current EC of 3 Mnt pa. On similar lines, EC limit at OMC's Kurmitar mines is proposed to be increased from current 2.4 MnT pa to 6 MnT pa.

Odisha is India's largest iron ore producing state and accounts for nearly 50% of country's iron ore production.

India's iron ore output was recorded at around 205 MnT in CY18.

source: SteelMint