Date: 17 March 2019 ، the watch 19:40
News ID: 4061

India: Domestic Pellet Offers Range Bound Amid Limited Trades

Indian pellet offers have remained unmoved this week against the previous week’s offer amid low trades and limited inquiries.
India: Domestic Pellet Offers Range Bound Amid Limited Trades

Raipur pellet offers under pressure amid competitive offers from Raigarh:

Raipur (Central India) based pellet makers have kept offers unaltered at INR 7,200/MT (Ex-Raipur) against the last week’s. Major pellet buyers are not interested to buy at these offers and are expecting a drop in offers soon.

According to market sources report to SteelMint, pellet offers from Raigarh based pellet makers is around INR 6,200-6,300/MT (Ex-Raigarh) for which landed to Raipur will come around INR 7,000-7,1000/MT, offers from traders are learned to remain on lower side. This is expected to put Raipur pellet offers under pressure.

P-DRI prices also seem to be stable at INR 19,800/MT in line with last week’s assessment.

Limited pellet deals reported by Durgapur pellet makers-:

SteelMint’s current pellet assessment for Durgapur is around INR 6,300-6,400/MT this week in line with the last week’s assessment. One of the Durgapur based pellet makers concluded a deal 5,000 MT pellet at around INR 6,300/MT.

Southern India pellet offers stable - Southern India (Bellary) pellet offers for Fe 63% grade stable to INR 7,300-7,400/MT (basic) this week in line with last week’s assessment. With a pellet maker undergoing maintenance, prices are likely to remain supported in the near short term. P-DRI price increased sharply by INR 500/MT to INR 20,200/MT against last week assessment INR 19,700/MT.

Indian pellet trade updates-:

1. West India based pellet maker - Jindal SAW offers has kept offers firm at INR 8,850/MT, delivered Kandla.

2. Jajpur based Brahmani River Pellets is offering pellets at INR 7,200/MT to Kalinganagar based units.

source: SteelMint