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News ID: 350
Shahrestan Historical Bridge, Esfahan International Permanent Fairground, Isfahan, Iran / 2-5 August 2016

Metalex 2016

9th International Exhibition of Steel, Metallurgy, Foundry and Related Mines
Metalex 2016

About Us

Founded in 1993, Isfahan Province International Exhibition Co. (IPIECo) has been a leading venue owner and exhibition organizer in central part of Iran. Being one of the first established exhibition companies in the country, IPIECO has focused on three major activities since its inception:


Organization of domestic and international exhibitions in Isfahan

Organization of Iran pavilions in overseas trade fairs

Organization of trade delegations to visit world’s renowned events


IPIECO has a record number of organizing 45 events annually in its three hall venue measuring 8,000 square meters and organizing Iran pavilions at trade fairs held in France, Belgium, Panama, India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Malaysia, Oman, Hungary, China, Qatar, Turkmenistan and UAE.   

Isfahan unique geographical, economic and cultural status in the country, skilled and dynamic staff, commitment to meet clients’ needs and service excellence all have enhanced the company’s success.

Limited venue space followed by exhibitors’ number increase initiated company’s physical space expansion. Therefore Isfahan new permanent venue project kicked off to provide a fully equipped modern fairground boasting 70,000 square meters of exhibition space.

 Becoming a UFI member in 2013, IPIECO is committed to take further steps ahead to increase its share of international markets and host more exhibitors, visitors and country pavilions in its annual events.

We recommend those eying Iran’s lucrative markets to join us in order to find their target companies through IPIECO’s safe and easy to reach gateway.


Contact Us:

Tel : +98 31 32611603 Ext. : 161

Cell Phone : +98 913 6992620

Email :

Websites :  /


Shahrestan Historical Bridge, Esfahan International Permanent Fairground, Isfahan, Iran


2-5 August 2016 

Visiting Hours:

16 - 22 P.M.

source: METALEX 2016