First IORA Free Trade Zone Authorities Meeting
Chabahar, Islamic Republic of Iran
19-20 May, 2016
The first IORA Free Trade Zone Authorities Meeting will be held on 19-20 May, 2016 in Iran's Chabahar Free Trade-Industrial Zone (CFZ).
The event is being organized by the Supreme Council of Iran's Free Trade, Industrial and Special Economic Zones, Sistand Baluchestan Provincial Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The initiative is meant to provide Member States as well as the Dialogue Partners with new opportunities in regional and multilateral relations within a free trade zone framework. The event can serve as a forum where challenging experiences such as economic liberalization, disentanglement from mainland laws, unorthodox investment approaches, and women's participation in regional development may be shared and drawn upon.
All delegates including exhibitors are requested to register by filling out the Registration Form available on the official website of 1stIORA Free Zones Authorities Summit (www.iorafreezones.com) no later than 20 April 2016.
1st IORA Free Trade Zones Authorities Summit Secretariat
29thStreet, Argentina Square, Tehran, Iran
Ms. Mamak Derakhshan, Chief Coordinator
Ms. Shaya Mohamadian, Coordinator
Phone: +98 (21) 8877 6318
Fax: +98 (21) 8879 1444
E-mail: iora@freezones.ir