The spooler line is installed following the MI.DA. Danieli Micromill, which has been in operation since 2011, hence spooled bar in coils are produced in endless mode, exploiting the best plant yield.
With this upgrade the Greek steelmaker will enrich its product range, increase customer service and annual production capacity to 1,200,000 tons.
Established in 1962, Sidenor Group started cooperation with Danieli 20 years ago.
Currently, Sidenor and Sovel are producing concrete reinforcing grades in bars and spooled coils, wire rod, merchant bars, flat products and several other products for construction projects, for various
industrial applications, for ship-building, for the automotive industry, for the energy sector etc.
Danieli K-spool technology allows the production of perfectly shaped, no-twist spooled bars wound into compact coils which are extremely appreciated by downstream end-users.