“The unloading process took a day and 17 hours,” Hossein Shahdadi added, noting that the imported steel will be used as raw material for provincial manufacturing factories, IRNA reported.
“The first batch arrived in Chabahar in the Iranian month ending Dec. 21, 2017,” he said.
The first phase of Chabahar’s Shahid Beheshti Port was inaugurated by President Hassan Rouhani in the presence of some 70 visiting dignitaries from 17 countries on Dec. 3 of last year.
Chabahar is Iran’s only oceanic port town and consists of two separate ports named Shahid Kalantari and Shahid Beheshti. The opening of the first phase of Shahid Beheshti Port (out of five phases defined for the project), which has tripled its capacity to 8.5 million tons (equal to that of all the northern ports of the country), will allow the docking of super-large container ships (between 100,000 DWT and 120,000 DWT) and increase India’s connectivity with Afghanistan.
India sent the first consignment of wheat to Afghanistan through Chabahar Port in October. Six more such shipments have been planned this year.