Olympic Hotel, Tehran, Iran / 21-22 Feb., 2016
The 3rd International Iranian Non - destructive Testing Conference (IRNDT2016)
It is a great pleasure for the Iranian Society for Nondestructive Testing (IRNDT) to invite all those interested in nondestructive testing and safety issues to submit their papers and participate in the 3rd Iranian International Nondestructive Testing Conference and Exhibition. IRNDT2016 is supported by a host of Iranian universities, societies, organizations, and industries. IRNDT2016 is a follow up to two previous NDT conferences and exhibitions which were held in 2007 and 2008. These past two conferences paved the road for the establishment of IRNDT in 2012 by the Iranian NDT community so that it could take charge of such NDT events in Iran. The Aria Group Company, who was the organizer of the previous two conferences has been chosen to manage the IRNDT2016.

Conference themes:
A- NDT Techniques :
- Acoustic Emission Testing (AE)
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- Advanced Ultrasonic Testing Technqieues,Time-of-Flight Diffraction(TOFD),Guided Waves
- Radiograpic Testing (RT) and Neutron Radiographic Testing
- Advanced Radiographic Testing, Digital Radiography Testing, Radioscopy, CT-Scan
- Electromagnetic Testing, Eddy Current Testing (ET), Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Visual Testing (VT)
- Leakage Testing (LT)
- Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)
- Thermographic Testing (TT)
- Vibration Analysis (VA)
- Laser Ultrasonic Testing (LUT)
- Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
- Fitness for Service (FFS)
- Machine Vision and Image Processing
- Qualification Testing and NDT Certification
- NDT Codes, Standards and Procedures
- NDT Training
- Radiation Safety and Protection
B- NDT applications in:
- Oil, Gas and Piping Industries
- Chemical and Petrochemical Industries
- Aerospace Industries
- Transportation industries (Automobiles, railroads, ships)
- Power Plants
- Building, Construction, Bridges
- Tanks, Boilers and Pressure Vessels
- Piping Industry
- Non Metal Industries: Composites, Polymers, Ceramics, Concrete, Rubber, Wood etc.
- Metal Industry: Casting, Rolling, Forging, Extrusion, Pressing
- Welding
- Fun Fairs and Tele Cabins
- Food Industry
- Service and Maintenance
- Airport and Customs inspections
- Non-Destructive Testing Antiquities
Guidelines for the registration of the authors whose papers have been accepted
ALL authors whose papers have been accepted (either for oral or poster presentation) have to register and pay relevant registration fee. To do this registration fee must be transferred to the bank account indicated in the registration form no later than February 19, 2016.
Please note that do to some technical problems online registration is not possible.
In case of any questions in this respect you may dial +9821 222 40011 (10 lines) for assistance. Conference Form
An exhibition will be held during the conference to showcase the latest research and industrial developments in field of NDT. All interested local and international companies are invited to participate and showcase their products and services in this exhibition.
Exhibition Form