Date: 06 December 2015 ، the watch 00:00
News ID: 101

Islamic Republic of Iran Supreme Leader notified the general environment policies

Establishing a national integrated environment system / considering environmental destruction as a crime / reinforcing the environmental diplomacy / preparing Iran’s living habitat atlas / confronting environmental threats
Islamic Republic of Iran Supreme Leader notified the general environment policies

On the fulfillment of article 1 of principal 100 of the Constitution, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Islamic Republic of Iran Supreme Leader, notified the general environment policies in a letter to the government force heads.

Establishing a national integrated environment system, harmonious and systematic management of vital resources, considering environmental destruction as a crime, reinforcing the environmental diplomacy, preparing Iran’s living habitat atlas, developing the green economy and institutionalizing the environmental culture and morality are the main topics of his notification.

The full text of general environment policies after the pieces of advice by Iran Expediency Council is as follows:
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
The general environment policies

1- Comprehensive, harmonious, and systematic vital resources management (including air, water, soil, and environmental variation) based on the power and stability of the living habitat, especially through increasing the legal capacities and capabilities as well as a suitable structure along with people’s partnership approach;

2- Establishing a national integrated environment system;

3- Modifying environmental conditions in order to provide the society with healthy environment and observing inter-generations justice and rights;

4- Preventing from diffusion of forbidden pollutants and considering environmental destruction as a crime and influential preventive punishing of pollution agents and destructors of the environment and obliging them to compensate damages;

5- Progressive monitoring and controlling of the resources and pollutant factors to the air, water, soil, sound pollutions, destructive waves and rays, unsuitable climatic changes, and necessity to observe the environmental standards and indexes in the rules and regulations, development plans, and land mobilization;

6- Preparing Iran’s living habitat atlas and protect, revitalize, renovate, and develop recyclable natural resources (as like seas, lakes, rivers, dam reservoirs, lagoons, underground water tables, forests, soil, pastures, and ecosystem variations, especially the wild life) and legal limitations on the exploitation of these resources suitable with their ecologic power (tolerable capacity and renovation capability) as per the stability criteria and indexes, management of sensitive and valuable ecosystems (including national parks and national natural places), and protecting and upgrading genetic resources up to the international standard levels;

7- Management of climatic changes and confronting bio-environmental threats as like desert reclamation, removal of dusts especially the aerosols, drought and microbe transmitters, radioactives, foresight development, and realizing newly appeared environmental phenomena and managing them;   

8- Developing the green economy, focusing on:

8-1- Low-carbon industry, using clean energies, healthy and organic agricultural products, waste matters and sewerage management through enjoying the advantages of economic, social, natural, and environmental capacities and capabilities;

8-2- Modifying the production pattern in different economic and social sectors and optimizing water, food, matters, and energy consumption models especially promoting fuels friendly to the environment
8-3- Developing green and non-fossil public transportation such as electric transportation, and making the public transportation more popular particularly in the major cities;

9- Balancing and keeping the quality of subsurface water through watershed management, water table management, management of reducing factors of exploitation of subsurface water and evaporation and controlling the pollutants;
10- Establishing an environmental auditing system in Iran, considering environmental values and costs (destruction, pollution, and revitalization) in the national accounts;

11- Supporting and encouraging investments and compatible technologies with the environment by means of suitable tools such as green tax and duties;

12- Compiling the environment morality charter and promoting and characterizing an environmental mindset and morality based on Iranian-Islamic constructive values and patterns;

13- Optimizing scientific studies and research and exploiting environmental innovative technologies and domestic experiences concerning maintenance of the living habitats balance and preventing from environmental pollution and destruction;

14- Developing the level of society’s environmental awareness, knowledge, and insight and empowering religious principles and learning social partnership, especially admonishing fellow believers to do right and to avoid sin for the protection of the environment in all society levels and groups;

15- Reinforcing environmental diplomacy by:
15-1- Taking measures to make and reinforce regional organizations in order to confront dust and water pollutions;
15-2- Developing the appropriateness and attracting partnership and mutual, multiple, regional, international and influential targeted cooperation concerning the environment;

15-3- Influential applying of the international opportunities and incentives towards low-carbon economy and facilitating the transfer and development of the relevant technologies and innovations.  

source: msc