
Tags - Durgapur
Indian Silico Manganese prices remain unchanged in Raipur but rises steeply in Durgapur , as producers in Durgapur mostly rely on imported Ore.
News ID: 4060    Publish Date : 2019/03/17

Indian pellet offers have decreased further this week further by INR 200-550/MT amid sharp decline in sponge prices, lowered pellet buying interest from China and dull buying interest at current offers.
News ID: 4016    Publish Date : 2019/03/14

Presently the Pellet Sponge manufacturers in Central & Eastern India are reeling under pressure of lowered prices than the cost of production.
News ID: 3993    Publish Date : 2019/03/13

Indian exporters who largely deals with Nepal are poised over limited deals. Nepal's re-rollers have limited their purchase for Billet & Wire rod on account of sufficient stock & low demand, which raised liquidity crunch, as per participants.
News ID: 2929    Publish Date : 2018/12/16

Active buying interest for Indian billets from Nepal. However for commercial grade Wire rod demand remained weak as per the trade participants.
News ID: 2240    Publish Date : 2018/09/24

Nepal which is the sole buyer of Indian induction grade billets, have booked good volume of billet in last couple of days, as per trade participants.
News ID: 2213    Publish Date : 2018/09/21