Date: 02 March 2019 ، the watch 20:34
News ID: 3810

Tehran, Beirut Firm to Boost Economic Relations

Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Mohammad Jalal Firouznia held a couple of meetings with senior members of the Lebanese government where the two sides vowed that Tehran and Beirut are determined to expand economic and commercial relations.
Tehran, Beirut Firm to Boost Economic Relations

Firouznia and Lebanese Minister of Finance Ali Hassan Khalil discussed developing economic relations, during a meeting on Friday in the capital city of the Arab country.

During the meeting, both sides reviewed broadening cooperation in economic field.

Earlier on the day, Firouznia had a meeting with Lebanese Minister of State for Foreign Trade Hassan Mourad where the two sides explored avenues for development of economic and trade relations between the two states.

Firouznia and Mourad surveyed also Tehran and Beirut's bilateral relations, following the formation of Lebanon's new government.

Late in January, the Iranian Foreign Ministry greeted the formation of the new Lebanese cabinet under Saad al-Hariri with a welcoming statement, hailing the move as a progress within the framework of independence from foreign interventions.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi welcomed the formation of the new Lebanese government, expressing hope it will strengthen friendship among Lebanese parties and prepare the ground for further development of the Arab country. 

“The Islamic Republic of Iran congratulates the Lebanese government and nation on the formation of the new government, which was an outcome of sympathy and understanding among all Lebanese groups and clans,” Qassemi said.

“This success is not limited to the formation of the government, and indeed shows the will of a nation and its leaders to shape their future within the framework of independence and without any foreign pressure and with unity, agreement and sympathy,” he said. 

The spokesman stressed the continuation of Iran’s support for stability and security of Lebanon, expressing hope that the formation of the Lebanese government would open a new chapter in the country’s history and improve relations between political groups and prepare the ground for further development of Lebanon.

Earlier on January 15, Firouznia met with prime minister designate Saad al-Hariri, and announced after the meeting that Tehran supported the formation of the new Lebanese government, and condemned US’ interventions in the region.

Firouznia made the remarks while speaking to reporters after the meeting with Hariri in Beirut where they discussed different regional and bilateral issues. 

The meeting came a day after the US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale made anti-Iran claims after a meeting with the Lebanese designate prime minister. 

Hale had blamed Iran of providing support for what he called terrorist groups. He put Lebanon’s Hezbollah in the list of terrorist groups.

The Americans make every effort to pretend that they are seeking security and stability in the region but no one in the region believes their claims, the Iranian ambassador said. 

“Our region, particularly during the tenure of Trump as US president, has been suffering from wrong and illogical policies of the US,” Firouznia said, adding that the Americans have always destabilized the region with their interventionist and aggressive policies. 

Earlier on the day, the Iranian embassy in Beirut deplored the anti-Iran remarks by David Hale during his visit to Lebanon, stressing Tehran's firm decision to continue its stabilizing role in the region.

"David Hale's comments cannot be considered in any framework but flagrant interference and dictation to others. The US is seeking to start war and sedition among countries and different spectra of a country," the embassy said in a statement, according to the Arabic-language al-Nashrah news website.

It reminded Hale of his country's support for the ISIL terrorist group, saying that many regional states would have been entangled in bloodshed and extensive unrests had Iran and its allies in the resistance front not made sacrifices in the fight against the terrorist groups and Washington.

The statement referred to Iran's military advisory role in Syria, saying that the presence does not need the permission of any trans-regional states and is based on coordination and demand of the legal government in Syria.

"Iran will also continue its constructive role to strengthen stability, security and progress in Lebanon within the framework of bilateral relations with the Lebanese government and the country," it concluded.

The statement came after Hale claimed on January 14 that the US would step up efforts to counter what he called as Iran's "dangerous activities" around the region including the financing and activities of Lebanon's Hezbollah.

He spoke following talks he held with Lebanese politicians at the end of an official visit.

Iran and Hezbollah resistance group have helped the Syrian government in confronting the terrorist groups since the very first days of war in the country.

In a related front on January 12, Lebanon’s Druze Party leader Talal Arslan, in a meeting with Firouznia, thanked Tehran for keeping the entire region safe from the devastating danger of terrorism.

Arslan said that in the absence of Iran in Lebanese resistance movement with terrorists and Takfiri groups and the ISIL and the Zionist regime, terrorists would have captured the entire region including Lebanon.

Arslan, who also serves as acting Lebanese Minister for the Displaced People, made the remarks in a meeting on Saturday. 

Grounds are now well-prepared for countries who mind to follow Iran along with Syria and Lebanese resistance to help restore stability and nations' rights in this region. 

“Road Map and our essential plan in the region require collective support of resistance movement which is regarded as invincible principles,” he said. 

“Measures adopted by western countries seek to materialize whimsical wishes of the Zionist regime,” the Lebanese politician said. 

In the meeting, the Iranian ambassador voiced Iran's readiness to expand relations and cooperation between the two countries. 

“Such interactions between the two sides will play decisive role in fight against threats imposed by Zionist regime and existing challenges in the region,” he said. 

Lebanese political and religious spectra have close ties with Iran.

In a related front, earlier on December 21, Firouznia and President of the Progressive Socialist Party of Lebanon Walid Jumblatt exchanged views on important developments in the Arab country.

Since being appointed as Iran's ambassador in Beirut a few months ago, Firouznia has held meetings with several Lebanese political and religious figures.

A day before his meeting with Jumblatt, Firouznia, in a meeting with a delegation comprising representatives of certain Lebanese parties, political forces and national figures, said that political progression in Lebanon helps establishment of peace and security in the country, giving leverage to the Arab country to play a bolder role in regional developments.

There he reiterated that Iran supports formation of new Lebanese government.

“Tehran supports formation of the new Lebanese government and progressing political movement in the country, especially after recent parliamentary elections,” he said.

He added that formation of the government and progressive political movement in Lebanon will boost security and stability of the country, making it for the country possible to have a greater role in regional and international scenes.

The official also stressed expansion of Tehran-Beirut cooperation and relations.

On Palestine developments, the envoy said the Palestinian nation's resistance against the occupying Zionist regime has caused mental tranquility in the world of Islam, leading to failure of the US plans and the compromise plan in Lebanon.

Earlier on December 17, Firouznia met with a host of Sunni figures of Lebanon, and stressed the need for unity among Muslims to strengthen the resistance front in the region.

A Lebanese delegation comprising Sunni figures headed by Secretary General of Ummah Movement Abdullah Jabari held talks with Iranian envoy to Beirut.

During the meeting held in Iran’s Embassy in Beirut, both sides discussed regional developments.

They stressed unity as the pivot of resistance movement, saying that the movement has gained resolute victories and withstood Takfiri terrorism with strength. 

The attendees also underscored role of resistance groups in standing against the Zionist regime and their allies, saying that Iran’s resistance and stability in the region have created wider prospects for resistance groups.

Earlier on November 28, Advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker Hossein Amir Abdollahian underlined that his country attaches great importance to the security of Lebanon as the forefront of war against Israel.

Lebanon's security and stability reinforces collective security in the region, Amir Abdollahian said in a meeting with former Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour in Tehran on Wednesday.

Iran attaches importance to relations with Lebanon and Iran assumes Lebanon's security and stability its own security, he added.

Amir Abdollahian stressed that Lebanon is the forefront of the war against the Zionist regime and Takfiri terrorists.

Mansour, for his part, lauded Iran's constructive role in the region, saying Iran had an important role in restoring peace and stability to Iraq and Syria.

In relevant remarks in May, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stressed his country's continued support for Lebanon against terrorism and Israeli aggression, expressing the hope that the recent elections would further strengthen the Tehran-Beirut ties.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its supports for the Lebanese government and nation to resist against the terrorist groups and the aggressive measures by the Zionist regime," President Rouhani said in a meeting with new Lebanese Ambassador to Tehran Hassan Abbas.

He noted that the elections in Lebanon indicated rule of democracy and people's views in the country, and said, "We hope that the elections will further strengthen unity in Lebanon, lead to economic flourishing of the country and further bolster the Tehran-Beirut relations."