Date: 26 November 2018 ، the watch 22:01
News ID: 2719

Alba Hosts Wellness Sessions to Mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba) marked the Breast Cancer Awareness Month this year by hosting two separate events on Wellness and Health for Alba Ladies at the Oasis Hall during October 2018.
Alba Hosts Wellness Sessions to Mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The session on 04 October, held by a team from Al Areen Resort & Spa, provided Alba women with free health check-ups and personalised tips to improve their health. The second session was held on 31 October by a well-known Bahraini Psychiatrist and Behavioural Specialist Dr. Sharifa Swar, who focussed on factors such as mindset, stress and happiness that affect women’s wellness.

Commenting on this occasion, Alba’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer Ali Al Baqali said:

“Women's health reflect the health of the families. In recent years, women's health has expanded to include more than just health risks associated to breast cancer.

As a leading employer of women in Bahrain, we are pleased to hold sessions that address stress management and healthy work-life balance as they are the key to good health.”

Alba currently has one of the largest number of women employees in an industrial company in Bahrain. Every year, Alba demonstrates its support towards World Breast Cancer Awareness Month with activities to educate and generate awareness on this subject for both, its male and female employees.​​

source: Alba