The client contracted Danieli to supply new 600.000 t/y greenfield Minimill for production of Big Round Blooms, Bars and Wire Rod of special steel and, is safe to say, that this will be the first complete “State of Art” Minimill of that type.
It will be fully equipped to produce high quality steel grades with a world class technology, processes and automation equipment. This will guarantee top quality products with a total cost of production (Capex + Opex) that will make it absolutely competitive, not only in North American context, but also worldwide.
The new green-field steel complex will be supplied almost on turnkey basis, thanks to several product lines engaged within Danieli Group, including all auxiliary plants and services like the electrical substation, WTP, compressed air, workshops, laboratories, buildings, etc.
Grupo Simec and Danieli Team will continue to improve production and plant completion with a common target: reinforcing the plant’s leading position in Mexico, as a unique producer and processor of special bar quality steels, mainly dedicated to Automotive application.