Date: 17 October 2017 ، the watch 12:26
News ID: 1443

POSCO Signs PosMAC Supply Agreement with An English Tube Manufacturer

On October 12 at the POSCO Center, POSCO signed a PosMAC supply agreement for pipes with Top Tubes, the English pipe manufacturer specializing in cold-rolling and plating.
POSCO Signs PosMAC Supply Agreement with An English Tube Manufacturer

The agreement ceremony was attended by 10 interested parties, including Adam Bradley, CEO of Top Tubes, Byeong-ryong Suh, Head of Construction Steel Materials Sales Group, Chae-il Lim, Head of Hot-Rolling 1 of POSCO Daewoo, and they discussed terms and conditions of business and cooperative plans and they will work together to seek PosMAC pipe markets in England in the future.

Top Tubes is an England-based company established in 1994. POSCO supplied PosMAC testing production goods to Top Tubes in 2012, and in 2013, achieved sales of PosMAC for the first time in Europe. In 2016, as the awareness of zinc-magnesium plating options was improving, Adam Bradley, CEO of Top Tubes visited Korea and discussed an extended application plan for PosMAC. POSCO has been making great efforts on expanding PosMAC sales by providing technical solutions: developing corrosion-resistant materials suited for the wet and salty climate conditions of England, and manufacturing optimal welding wires while securing corrosion resistance of pipe seam welding.

As a result, Top Tubes launched 'MAGNAtube', a premium pipe brand using PosMAC in June of this year. This is the first case where the overseas client established a secondary brand derived from using PosMAC. Top Tubes plans to expand its sales to promote PosMAC used as materials along with MAGNAtube to consumers so as to secure reliability of the product, and to use the PosMAC brand, the construction steel materials of next generation, which is excellent in corrosion resistance compared to plated steel and is less expensive than stainless steel.

source: Posco