Outotec's sustainability work in 2016 included, for example, identifying the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the company and committing to the SDGs and integrating them into Outotec's Sustainability Agenda, employee and customer surveys, review of Code of Conduct, setting a new diversity goal, and conducting the first phase of human rights assessment. Key achievements were the improved safety performance, inclusion in the Global 100 index of the world's most sustainable companies, and the share of Environmental Goods and Services in order intake, which reached 90% for the third time.
"As the metal content of mined ores decreases, and since in many places the best mineral deposits have already been exhausted, resource efficiency and recycling are taking on an ever more important role. In addition to the solutions needed in primary production, Outotec has the top class expertise and technologies to enable the effective use of materials extracted earlier, such as tailings, side streams and slag. In our report we showcase some of our projects resulting in more valuable materials, less waste and better efficiency for our customers. The report also demonstrates our commitment to continuously improving our own performance, business practices, data quality and reporting", says Outotec CEO Markku Teräsvasara.
The report is prepared according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines and is third-party assured by Ecobio Ltd. The report is available in English at www.outotec.com/sustainability-report.