Deputy Foreign Ministry for Economic Diplomacy Affairs said that the 17th Iran-Armenia Joint Economic Commission meeting will be held in the Armenian capital of Yerevan on May 10-11.
Mehdi Safari made the remarks on Monday and stated that holding Joint Economic Commission with target countries is seriously followed up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Iranian Energy Minister Ali-Akbar Mehrabian will also reportedly travel to Yerevan on Tuesday to attend the commission meeting.
Several topics including bilateral trade, investment, transit and transportation, electricity and energy, oil and gas, banking and finance, standard, tourism and health as well as a range of other issues are said to be discussed at the commission.
A trade forum is also scheduled to be held with the participation of private sector activists from the two countries on the sidelines of the event.
Mehrabian will also discuss with Armenian officials the developing relations and exchange trade volume between the two countries.
Iranian deputy oil minister, managing director of National Iranian Gas Company, deputy minister of road and urban development and several other Iranian officials will accompany Mehrabian during his visit to Yerevan.
Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Reza Fatemi Amin was quoted as saying by official IRNA news agency early in March that an annual $1 billion of trade between Iran and Armenia is within the reach.
Fatemi Amin put the current annual trade between Iran and Armenia at $500 million which he said is not considered as satisfactory by both countries.
Source: ICCIMA