
Tags - Bellary
Amid recently concluded pellet export deals along with decent bookings made in the domestic market, Raipur based pellet makers have raised offers today.
News ID: 4344    Publish Date : 2019/04/12

Southern India ( Bellary ) pellet offers for Fe 63% grade increased by INR 200/MT this week. SteelMint’s assessment for Bellary origin pellets at INR 7,000/MT (basic) against last week’s assessment at INR 6,800-6,900/MT amid logistic constraints.
News ID: 4306    Publish Date : 2019/04/11

Indian pellet offers have decreased further this week further by INR 200-550/MT amid sharp decline in sponge prices, lowered pellet buying interest from China and dull buying interest at current offers.
News ID: 4016    Publish Date : 2019/03/14