
Tags - zinc
Indian govt has initiated investigation of anti-dumping on the imports of Aluminum and Zinc coated flat products originating in or exported from China PR, Vietnam and Korea RP.
News ID: 4241    Publish Date : 2019/04/08

Queensland Rail had stowed a train carrying copper, lead and zinc concentrate from Glencore's operations in the Australian state on 31 January as a precautionary measure.
News ID: 3778    Publish Date : 2019/02/28

Hudbay Minerals’ (TSE, NYSE: HBM) second-largest investor, Waterton Global Resource Management, is seeking to oust the Canadian miner’s chief executive officer and overhaul its board.
News ID: 3291    Publish Date : 2019/01/16

Peruvian company Buenaventura (NYSE: BVN; Lima Stock Exchange: BUE.LM) has been dealing in the past week with a worker strike at its silver- zinc -lead Uchucchacua mine, located in the central Oyón province.
News ID: 3245    Publish Date : 2019/01/14

Major Iranian mining companies produced an aggregate of 317.94 million tons of ores and mineral products during the first 11 months of the current fiscal year (March 21, 2017-Feb. 19), registering about 12% growth compared with last year’s corresponding period, the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization’s latest report said.
News ID: 2010    Publish Date : 2018/03/14

Zinc pulled back on Wednesday to below $3,400 a tonne, but stayed within shouting distance of the best levels since August 2007 as worries about global stocks of the metal, mainly used in galvanizing steel, continue to support prices.
News ID: 1859    Publish Date : 2018/01/28

Export value of Iran’s mine and mining industry in first five months of the current Iranian year (21March to 22 August) surpassed export value of h1 of last Iranian year.
News ID: 1376    Publish Date : 2017/10/03

Kazakhstan-focused copper miner Central Asia Metals said it would buy Bermuda-based Lynx Resources Ltd in a $402.5 million reverse-takeover deal from its owners.
News ID: 1350    Publish Date : 2017/09/25

Canadian miner Trevali (TSX:TV) reached a milestone Thursday, as it finished the acquisition of majority stakes in Glencore’s (LON:GLEN) Rosh Pinah mine in Namibia and the Perkoa mine in Burkina Faso.
News ID: 1248    Publish Date : 2017/09/01

Iran, currently, has 3% of lead and zinc reserves in the world ranking the country as the fourth largest producer of these mineral concentrates in Asia after China, Kazakhstan, and India. Likewise, the country is the second major producer after Turkey in the MENA region.
News ID: 1208    Publish Date : 2017/08/20

Steel, zinc and gold trade was on the rise during the three quarters of the current fiscal year (March 20-December 20, 2016) at Iran Mercantile Exchange, Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization reported.
News ID: 902    Publish Date : 2017/01/24

More than 1.6 million tons of mineral products valued at $190.4 million were exported from Hormozgan Province.
News ID: 699    Publish Date : 2016/11/24

Bolivian authorities accused the president of a mining federation and two of his top officials of the killing of deputy interior minister Rodolfo Illanes amid a bitter strike, officials said Saturday. Forty miners have been detained in the case.
News ID: 571    Publish Date : 2016/08/29

Outotec has been awarded a contract by Goldcorp for the delivery of various process equipment for Peñasquito's pyrite leach process in Mexico.
News ID: 561    Publish Date : 2016/08/26

Iran is the second leading producer of lead and zinc in the Middle East and North Africa region after Turkey, according to a report recently published by the US Geological Survey on Iran’s nonfuel minerals.
News ID: 476    Publish Date : 2016/07/24

Iran is Asia’s fourth largest lead and zinc producer following China, Kazakhstan and India. This is while the country’s per capita zinc consumption stands at about 1.14 kg, compared to about 5.9 kg for West European countries, 3.4 kg for North America and 2.5 kg for China.
News ID: 371    Publish Date : 2016/06/11

Invitation for identification and pre-qualification of investors for Mehdi Abad Zinc and Lead Complex is announced.
News ID: 201    Publish Date : 2016/01/24