According to the EC decision dated March 8, published in the Official Journal of the EU on March 9 of this year, the verdict came into force the day after the publication in the official bulletin, i.e. on March 10, 2018.
At the same time, it is specified that five exporters from Ukraine, Russia, Iran and Brazil sent their price obligations to the EC in exchange for non-application of anti-dumping duties to them. Since these proposals were made at the end of the investigation, the commission was unable to analyze them in accordance with the established deadline, before making decisions within the investigations, undertaking to exclusively do this later. After making final conclusions on the investigation and publication of restrictive measures, price commitment from one more sixth exporter was sent to the EC.
The European Commission on December 18, 2017 informed the applicants about the intention to reject all the obligations they proposed. The applicants, in turn, gave additional explanations and made amendments to their obligations, and their hearing was also conducted.