Hudbay Minerals

Tags - Hudbay Minerals
me-metals: Canadian miner Hudbay Minerals (TSX, NYSE: HBM) is seeking a permit to expand its Constancia copper mine in Peru’s Cusco region, including upgrades at the Pampacancha satellite pit.
News ID: 11636    Publish Date : 2025/01/08

Hudbay Minerals ’ (TSE, NYSE: HBM) second-largest investor, Waterton Global Resource Management, has turned up the heat in a boardroom battle that seeks to replace the Canadian miner’s chief executive officer and overhaul its board.
News ID: 3673    Publish Date : 2019/02/19

Hudbay Minerals ’ (TSE, NYSE: HBM) second-largest investor, Waterton Global Resource Management, is seeking to oust the Canadian miner’s chief executive officer and overhaul its board.
News ID: 3291    Publish Date : 2019/01/16