Cobalt prices

Tags - Cobalt prices
me-metals: Image courtesy of CMOC Group. Cobalt prices have plummeted to their lowest level since 2016, as record-high production continues to weigh on the battery material’s value.
News ID: 11700    Publish Date : 2025/01/28

US cobalt prices will likely decline in the first half of 2019 as supplies of metal and upstream cobalt products outweigh demand. Meanwhile, greater output and lower production costs will outstrip a bump in indium demand over the same period.
News ID: 3092    Publish Date : 2018/12/27

Since hitting near decade highs in March, cobalt prices are down by more than a third, languishing in the low $50,000s.Now a new report sees the battery raw material recovering some 30% in price. And quickly.
News ID: 2551    Publish Date : 2018/11/09