me-metals: Gold continued its record-breaking rally on Monday, surpassing the key $2,900 level for the first time, as US President Donald Trump’s new tariff threats drove safe-haven demand higher.
News ID: 11747 Publish Date : 2025/02/11
me-metals: China’s central bank expanded its gold reserves for a third month in January, even as the precious metal kept rallying to a record high.
News ID: 11744 Publish Date : 2025/02/09
me-metals: China’s central bank resumed buying gold for its reserves in November after a six-month pause, official data by the People’s Bank of China ( PBOC ) showed on Saturday.
News ID: 11544 Publish Date : 2024/12/08
China’s central bank said on Tuesday that Washington’s decision to label Beijing as a currency manipulator would “severely damage international financial order and cause chaos in financial markets”.
News ID: 5812 Publish Date : 2019/08/07
China’s on a bullion-buying spree. The world’s second-largest economy expanded its gold reserves for the fourth straight month, adding to optimism that central banks globally will continue to build holdings.
News ID: 4261 Publish Date : 2019/04/08
The Chinese government's 7 October move to add more stimulus to the economy, by freeing up banks' ability to lend more, could support the steel sector by pushing credit into the key real estate and manufacturing consuming sectors. Around 60pc of China's steel is consumed by construction projects, including real estate and infrastructure.
News ID: 2393 Publish Date : 2018/10/09