Danieli Group

Tags - Danieli Group
me-metals: The entrepreneur Gianpietro Benedetti has died. Born in 1942, he was at the helm, as president, of one of the top companies in Friuli Venezia Giulia, or rather of a Group, the Danieli Group , based in Buttrio, among the world leaders in the design and construction of steel plants and among the first three European steel producers, which alone is worth 40% of the exports of the province of Udine and 20% of the regional exports.
News ID: 11299    Publish Date : 2024/05/04

Danieli Automation acquires Telerobot Labs
News ID: 853    Publish Date : 2017/01/13

Interview by Richard Barrett, editor of Metal Bulletin, as appeared in Metal Bulletin Dec 2016 issue.
News ID: 852    Publish Date : 2017/01/13

Presentation of Giovanni Nigris, Executive Vice President of Danieli Group at 46th FARO MEETING on 19 OCTOBER 2016 in Italy.
News ID: 807    Publish Date : 2016/12/30

On the occasion of the visit to Italy of President Hassan Rouhani, the first made in Europe by the Iranian leader after the end of the sanctions imposed on Tehran, the Danieli Group signed agreements worth 5.7 billion euro approximately.
News ID: 212    Publish Date : 2016/01/27

On December the 15th at the presence of Prime Minister of Economy Abraão Gourgel, Premier Dame Mrs. Ana Paula dos Santos with Mr. Georges Choucair, CEO and Hussein Choucair COO of Angola Steel Corporation, the plant was officially inaugurated.
News ID: 190    Publish Date : 2016/01/15

After revamping, productivity was improved from 1.65 to 1.75 Mtpy, coil thickness accuracy achieved 0.9% of set up thickness value, and also coil flatness achieved less than 10 I-units.
News ID: 170    Publish Date : 2016/01/06