However, the Oct'18 exports on yearly basis, stood down 5% compared to Oct'17 exports at 5.64 MnT.
South African exports for the duration Jan-Oct'18 witnessed at 52.29 MnT, down 4% against same duration last year (Jan-Oct'17) at 54.73 MnT.
An agglomerated (pellets/concentrate) iron ore exports on monthly basis, recorded increase in Oct'18 by 13% to 2.83 MnT as against 2.5 MnT in Sep'18. On yearly basis, exports decreased by 23% Y-o-Y as against 3.67 MnT in Oct'17.
The non-agglomerated (fines/lump) iron ore monthly exports were up by 52% in Oct'18 to 2.54 MnT as against Sep'18 exports at 1.67 MnT. On yearly basis, exports witnessed sharp increase of 30% as compared to Oct'17 exports at 1.96 MnT.
Indian imports of South African lumps increased two folds to 0.23 MnT in Oct'18 as against 0.12 MnT a month ago. Demand for imported lump increased in India.
China continues to be the largest iron ore importer from South Africa for the month of Oct'18, at 3.05 MnT, contributing 57% of South African Oct'18 export. The exports increased by 46% on monthly basis as against 2.09 MnT in Sep'18 followed by Mozambique at 0.52 MnT (up 37% M-o-M).
South Korea and Japan iron ore imports from South Africa recorded decline for the month of Oct'18 at 0.34 MnT and 0.25 MnT respectively.