Crude Iron Ore

Tags - Crude Iron Ore
According to National Bureau of Statistics, China - world's largest consumer and importer of iron ore has witnessed fall in crude iron ore production for Jan-Feb'19.
News ID: 4152    Publish Date : 2019/03/26

According to National Bureau of Statistics, China - world's largest consumer and importer of iron ore has witnessed crude iron ore production at 68.89 MnT in Nov'18, highest in CY'18. The production for the month witnessed slight rise as against Oct'18 production at 68.82 MnT.
News ID: 3018    Publish Date : 2018/12/21

According to National Bureau of Statistics, China - world's largest iron ore consumer and importer of iron ore has witnessed production at 519.99 MnT for Jan-Aug'18, down 66% as against same duration previous year (Jan-Aug'17) at 863.22 MnT.
News ID: 2229    Publish Date : 2018/09/22