Tags - Rosneft
Russian oil output stood at 11.34 million barrels per day in February, down some 75,000 barrels per day from the October level, the baseline for a global deal, but still missing the accord target, Energy Ministry data showed on Saturday.
News ID: 3815    Publish Date : 2019/03/03

Russia’s oil production increased to 11.41 million barrels per day in October from 11.36 million bpd in September, setting a new post-Soviet record high as the largest oil companies, Rosneft and Lukoil, raised their output according to data from Russia’s Energy Ministry.
News ID: 2491    Publish Date : 2018/11/04

Chief Executive Officer of Russia's largest oil producer Rosneft underlined that any decision by European companies to cut their relations with Iran under the US pressure could end up hurting European economy.
News ID: 2456    Publish Date : 2018/10/26

Rosneft 's plans for next year allow it to be flexible with production volumes, Russia's top oil producer said on Saturday, after Moscow clinched a deal with OPEC to cut production to bolster weak oil prices.
News ID: 741    Publish Date : 2016/12/25