
Tags - tube
As interest in the market potential of Africa grows, the inaugural CRU Africa Wire, Cable & Tube Conference is perfectly timed to address the business opportunities for local producers and manufacturers, seeking to establish new trade partnerships with international stakeholders involved in the African steel, copper and aluminium supply chains.
News ID: 6540    Publish Date : 2019/10/01

The Fourth International Exhibition of Wire, Cable, Rod and Tube Industry, also known as IRANWIRE, was held from Dec. 6 to 9 in Tehran’s Shahr-e-Aftab (Sun City) fairground.
News ID: 1659    Publish Date : 2017/12/11

Diehl orders 25-MN extrusion press line for copper alloys from SMS group
News ID: 544    Publish Date : 2016/08/21