
Tags - Sangan
Two iron ore processing plants were inaugurated in Sangan by First Vice President, Es’haq Jahangiri. Also, Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade, Mohammad Shariatmadari and chairman of the board of IMIDRO, Mehdia Karbasian attended the inauguration ceremony.
News ID: 1775    Publish Date : 2018/12/30

Iran’s crude iron ore production capacity will be raised to 100 million tons/year from 75 million tons/year by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2018), state mines and metal holding company IMIDRO quoted the minister of industries, mining and trade as saying.
News ID: 1172    Publish Date : 2017/08/08

Iron ore concentrate production during the seven months to October 21 stood at 17.87 million tons to register a 20.9% rise compared to last year’s corresponding period, Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization reported on its website.
News ID: 709    Publish Date : 2016/12/04

The long- term growth of Sangan Mining and Industrial Complex and realization of ambitious goals of Comprehensive Steel Plan, require concurrent development of water and railroad infrastructures. The short by-back period in rail road sector is an important point for investors.
News ID: 671    Publish Date : 2016/11/06

Iran’s largest industrial complex plans to increase its annual steel production capacity to 10.3 million tons by the end of the current fiscal year (March 20, 2017), says Bahram Sobhani, managing director of Mobarakeh Steel Company.
News ID: 661    Publish Date : 2016/11/04

Two pelletizing plants with production capacity of 5 million tonnes (total capacity of 10 million tonnes) will be inaugurated by cooperation with private sector in the current Iranian year (will end in March 2017), Chairman of the board of IMIDRO said.
News ID: 606    Publish Date : 2016/10/06

Exploration manager of IMIDRO announced that with new exploration and excavation projects, we predicted that probable and proven gold reserves of Zarshouran will reach over 150 tons.
News ID: 183    Publish Date : 2016/01/11

Realization and support of Comprehensive Steel Plan requires investment in double track railway in Sangan , Khorasan Razavi, Iran.
News ID: 174    Publish Date : 2016/01/07

During the first half of the current Iranian year (March 21_September 22) major mining firms produced more than 12.5 million tons iron ore concentrate.
News ID: 34    Publish Date : 2015/10/15