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Chinese spot iron ore prices (Fe 62% fines) increased today (i.e 10th Aug’19) to USD 93.2/MT, CFR China. The prices up as against USD 89/MT, CFR China a week ago. Spot Index increased by USD 1.25/MT on daily basis as against yesterday prices at USD 91.95/MT.
News ID: 6441    Publish Date : 2019/09/10

According to General Administration of Customs, China - the world's largest iron ore consumer and importer, recorded 4% rise in iron ore imports to 94.85 MnT in Aug'19 against July’19 imports at 91.02 MnT. The imports have hit 19- months high as the level was last witnessed in Jan’18 at 100.32 MnT.
News ID: 6439    Publish Date : 2019/09/09