Global HRC

Tags - Global HRC
Chinese HRC export offers rebound on a weekly premise- Chinese HRC exports moved up by USD 5-15/MT W-o-W to USD 475-485/MT FoB China as compared with USD 460-480/MT a week earlier.
News ID: 8606    Publish Date : 2020/02/25

Chinese HRC export offers inch up on tight availability- The Chinese mills have slightly raised their HRC export offers for the first time since Aug'19 when the prices had started to decline. Currently, China HRC export offers stand around USD 430-440/MT FoB China, up by USD 5-10/MT in comparison with USD 425-430/MT in the previous week.
News ID: 7111    Publish Date : 2019/10/29

Indian steel mills export aggressively as domestic sales remain slow- Market sources shared with SteelMint that Indian steelmakers booked around 50,000 MT of HRC with Vietnam at around USD 455-460/MT CFR Vietnam for Oct deliveries. Last week the offers was assessed around USD 460-465/MT CFR basis. Thus decline of USD 5-10/MT could be seen in recent deals concluded.
News ID: 6443    Publish Date : 2019/09/10

Indian HRC export offers To Nepal for June shipments- Market sources shared with SteelMint that Indian major steel mill concluded a deal of HRC of re-rolling grade with Nepal for June shipments.
News ID: 4704    Publish Date : 2019/06/01