Iranian Billet

Tags - Iranian Billet
Iranian billet export offer continues to fall from last few weeks. Offers decreased by around USD 10/MT W-o-W to around USD 365-370/MT FoB. Last week, billet export offers of Iran were noted to be around USD 370-380/MT FoB.
News ID: 3473    Publish Date : 2019/01/29

Iran, one of the largest billet exporter in MENA region has exported 1,790,224 MT billet and bloom during the first five months of current Persian year (21-Mar till 22-Aug’18). As per the data released by Iranian Customs, export of billet during the period was reportedly up by 42% Y-o-Y against 1,258,094 MT during the same period of last Persian year.
News ID: 2434    Publish Date : 2018/10/13

Iran, one of the largest producer of semi-finished steel in MENA region has recently uplifted the upper limit at its commodity exchange.
News ID: 2317    Publish Date : 2018/10/01