
Tags - Pelletizing
Primetals Technologies has developed the world's first direct reduction process for iron ore concentrates from ore beatification not requiring any pre processing like sintering or pelletizing.
News ID: 5045    Publish Date : 2019/07/07

Iran is expected to witness significant expansion in its pelletizing capacity in the coming years as local steel mills strive to balance their existing production chains, feed new DRI (direct reduced iron) plants and increase their cost advantage.
News ID: 525    Publish Date : 2016/08/13

Over the first three months of 2016, Iran produced 3.7 million tons of direct-reduced iron, outpacing India, with 3.6 million tons, which was formerly holding the leading position in the world, the World Steel Association declared.
News ID: 512    Publish Date : 2016/08/07

Plants, Projects, Technology Selection, Technologies
This report includes recent study on Iranian Pelletizing and Steel Industries.
News ID: 313    Publish Date : 2016/05/17