Tags - Keyvan Jafari Tehrani
China has taken fewer shipments of iron ore from Iran over August and September, according to Refinitiv Eikon data, as additional export tariffs due to be imposed by Tehran have dampened risk appetites in the world’s biggest steelmaker.
News ID: 6351    Publish Date : 2019/09/21

Bringing relief to trade participants from both India and Iran comes the news that India is likely to receive waiver from U.S. sanctions to carry out trade with Iran
News ID: 2585    Publish Date : 2018/11/11

Iranian iron ore miners experienced a good year in 2017, as they became the sixth largest supplier of the material to China by shipping about 22 million tons to the world’s largest importer of iron ore.
News ID: 1802    Publish Date : 2018/01/17

A surprise spike in iron ore prices this year is shaking out fresh supplies of the steelmaking raw material, but some miners say it is too soon to aggressively restart production shuttered by a years-long price rout.
News ID: 259    Publish Date : 2016/04/02