date: 06 January 2017 ، the watch 00:00
News ID: 831

2nd phase of GolGohar's Iron Ore Pelletizing plant inaugurated in Sirjan-Kerman

Iran´s First Vice President Es´haq Jahangiri, Iran´s Minister of Industries, Mining and Trade Mohammed Reza Nematzadeh and Finland´s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran Harri Kämäräinen participated at the inauguration ceremony. Managing Director of GolGohar - Naser Taghizadeh - declared the latest improvements to the audience.
2nd phase of GolGohar

In 2012 Finnish Outotec signed a contract with Iran´s GolGohar Mining and Industrial Company on building the second phase of the Iron Ore Pelletizing Plant located in Sirjan County, in the province of Kerman-Iran. 




source: me-metals